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Interested in Volunteering

Deadline for Registering for a Volunteer/Coaching Position is May 31st! 
League Volunteer Positions:
  • Fundraising and Merchandise Coordinator
  • Web Master (Website and Social Media) 
Head Coaches
  • Register as a coach/ volunteer and be able to pass a background check.

  • Be Concussion certified* (Tackle)

  • Be USA Football or AYC coaching certified* (Tackle)

  • Be Tackling certified* (Tackle)

  • Be CPR certified (Cheer & Tackle, will be provided by the league if not already certified)


Assistant Coaches
  • Register as a coach/ volunteer and be able to pass a background check.

  • Be Concussion certified and First Aid certified* (Tackle)

  • Be USA Football or AYC coaching certified* (Tackle)

  • Be Tackling certified* (Tackle)

  • Be CPR certified (Cheer & Tackle, will be provided by the league if not already certified)

* Print all certifications and give them to your head coach​ or team parent


The Safety Coordinator and Cheer Commissioner will contact you about certification needs and how to obtain them. 



Head Coaches

  • Register as a coach/volunteer and be able to pass a background check.


Assistant Coaches

  • Register as a coach/volunteer and be able to pass a background check.

Team Mom's (*Limit 2 per Team)
  • Register as a volunteer and be able to pass a background check.
  • Responsibilities consist of:
    • Coordination of Team Snacks
    • Assist boys with water during the games
    • Assist Head Coaches with keeping up with team paperwork
    • Help obtaining parent helpers for Gate Entrance and Concession for all home games
    • Help obtain volunteer parents for Side Line Chains for Home Games
    • Help Plan the End of Season League Party
  • Register as a volunteer and be able to pass a background check.
  • Responsibilities consist of:
    • Coordination of Team Snacks
    • Glitter application for cheerleaders for games
    • Help coaches during games
    • Help obtaining parent helpers for Gate Entrance and Concession for all home games
    • Help remind parents to bring supplies to all games 
    • Help Plan the End of Season League Party
Coaches Code of Conduct


Lago Vista Youth Football and Cheer Association is committed to fostering an environment of safe, inclusive and fun competition throughout our football and cheer programs. Our coaches and volunteers are ambassadors, not only of Lago Vista Youth Football and Cheer Association, but of the sport(s) they coach. It is therefore paramount that coaches and volunteers read and adhere to the Coaches Code of Conduct at all times and without exception.


Player Safety

  • The coach must never put the value of winning over the safety and welfare of players. Winning should be the result of preparation and discipline with emphasis placed on the highest ideals and character traits.

  • Coaches agree to adhere to all executive board member decisions in regards to safety. A decision made that is erring on the side of caution is not up for debate. The highest ranking board member available makes the final call.

Heat Index

These are central Texas AYF heat index rules and must be strictly followed: 

  • Heat index of 104 and ABOVE = NO PRACTICE

  • Heat index of 103 to 101 = NO HELMETS, NO PADS, 1 MINUTE BREAK EVERY 10 MINUTES... once heat index drops below 101, players can put their pads and helmet on and go back to normal breaks.

  • Heat index of 100 or less = BUSINESS AS USUAL

  • NCAA, UIL, and AYF lightning rules are the same

  • Postpone or suspend activity if a thunderstorm appears imminent before or during an activity or contest (irrespective of whether lightning is seen or thunder heard) until the hazard has passed. Signs of imminent thunderstorm activity are darkening clouds, high winds, and thunder or lightning activity

  • Any of the following requires an immediate suspension of practice or play:

    1. Lightning within 8 miles of your location

    2. When thunder is heard within 30 seconds of a visible lightning strike

    3. A cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen. (This indicates the storm is close enough to strike your location with lightning)

  • Once activities have been suspended, you must wait at least 30 minutes from the last (most recent) occurrence of any of the above three conditions before resuming outdoor activity.

Player Injury
  • Players should be directed to seek proper medical attention for injuries and to follow the physician’s instructions regarding treatment and recovery.

  • Each organization has on-site medical staff (EMT / Trainer) for home games and those medical personnel have the final say on whether or not a player returns to the game after injury.

  • At no time should a player be put at risk by returning from injury prematurely or by being allowed or forced to play while injured.

  • BE ALERT: Watch for signs of dehydration.

  • BE AWARE: Quite often, coaches are not informed of injuries sustained outside of games and practices. If a player seems "off" - check on their situation.

Field Safety
  • Every time you arrive at a field, check for anything that could affect your players.

  • Look for rocks and other foreign objects... get rid of them or mark them with a cone.

  • Check for ant hills and mark them with a cone.

  • Check for "potholes", damaged mats, or similar safety concerns.

  • GAME DAY: Only personnel with an Lago Vista Youth Football and Cheer Association badge (with the exception of uniformed police, fire, or EMTs) should be on the field. ("On the field" is defined as beyond the field checkpoint or outside of the normal spectator area.)

  • Note: In order to have an Lago Vista Youth Football and Cheer Association badge, they had to pass a background check. (Except for day-of MPR or CHAIN GANG volunteers)

  • The on-duty board member for the hosting organization will make all judgement calls.

Coach With Class

Above teaching football or cheer, we are raising young men and women. Their character growth is more important than any score or outcome on the field.

Coaching with class is hard work. We can always strive to be better. Think about how you present yourself in coaching situations and compare it to how someone who you think of as a "class act" presents themselves. 

Here are some items that are required of you as a Lago Vista Youth Football and Cheer Association coach:

  • Coaches shall instruct players to play within the written laws of the game and within the spirit of the game at all times.

  • Coaches shall not seek unfair advantage by teaching deliberate unsportsmanlike behavior to players.

  • Coaches should not tolerate inappropriate behavior from players regardless of the situation.

  • Coaches shall not "RUN UP" scores. This is a Lago Vista Youth Football and Cheer Association mandate. Under no circumstances will this be tolerated.

  • Coaches shall not publicly punish players during games. (Examples of this include: Up downs at halftime, push ups after a bad play, running laps during game play)

  • Officials must have the support of coaches, players, and spectators. Criticism of officials undermines their purpose in the game. Coaches are allowed to ask questions, but strive to refrain from criticizing officials in the presence of players.


NOTE: Official complaints / comments regarding an official should be made in writing to the Lago Vista Youth Football and Cheer Association Board via the Secretary. Escalations will be made by the board to the appropriate organization assigning the official will be notified.

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